Once you have connected the pump to your plumbing system plug the pump into the electrical supply check that the pump is being connected the the required voltage
The pump should behaves as follows:
• If the hydraulic circuit upstream from the pump has a pressure higher than CUT-IN, the pump motor does not start.
• If the circuit is not under pressure (P<CUT-IN), the pump motor is started and the pump will run.
• If the hydraulic circuit goes under pressure (P>CUT-IN) and there is no flow, for example because all the faucets are closed, the pump switches off after 10 seconds : the pump is primed.
• If there is no flow or pressure for 20 seconds (P<CUT-IN), the pump goes into DRYRUN alarm and is switched off: the pump is not primed.
• Finally, if there is flow because faucets are open, the pump is primed and runs normally.